Undergraduate studentships & placements

The list below (for undergraduate students) is part of our larger database that collects funding options for undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral research projects, as well as short-term travel grants and placement opportunities, focusing on the area of gene regulation in UK and EU.

Several resources in the list below have been compiled by Carla Mulas (@C_Mulas). Also have a look at the complementary lists of undergraduate studentships compiled by the Royal Society of Biology.

In you want to be hosted in our lab please contact us in advance to formulate a project. If you are a student in our school and want to go to another place for the summer, please feel free to email us for an advice.

*Check the deadlines at the corresponding links as they may change from year to year

Jump to one of these sections:

Undergraduate studentships & placements |  Fellowships | PhD programs | Travel grants


Undergraduate bursaries for summer students (applicable to any lab in the UK)

Undergraduate summer placements in specific institutes in the UK and EU:

Summer schools for undergraduate students:

Internships/placements/programs in commercial companies:

Essex-specific undergraduate placements:

Jump to another section:

Undergraduate studentships & placements | Graduate & postdoc fellowships | PhD programs | Travel grants