Below is a manually curated list of meetings relevant to quantitative gene regulation, specifically focused on chromatin biophysics and epigenetics. Complementary manually curated lists of conferences are available at the web sites of EpiCypher, Active Motif, Abcam and epigenie (chromatin and epigenetics), Australian Epigenetics Alliance, Ulrich Schwarz (soft matter & biological physics), Paul Knoepfler (stem cells & regenerative medicine), the Node (developmental biology) and London RNA Club. For more general conference lists see EMBL Conferences and Events, FEBS Conference calendar, Keystone Symposia, Gordon Research Conferences and CSHL Meetings. We also maintain a separate list of funders providing conference travel grants. Please feel free to to suggest your events for inclusion in this database by emailing [email protected].
Events by year: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 |2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 |
Event name | Event type | Event dates (yyyy/mm/dd) | Deadline (yyyy/mm/dd) | Location | Registration fee, £ | Comments |
Genomic Regulation 2021: Focus on Cancer, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, February 8-10, 2021. Abstract deadline (poster presentations): January 23, 2021 | Conference | 2021/02/08-10 | 2021/01/23 | Virtual | 040 | |
AepiA, Meeting of the Australian Epigenetics Alliance, February 17-19, 2021. Late breaking abstract deadline: January 31, 2021 | Conference | 2021/02/17-19 | 2021/01/31 | Virtual | 140 | |
Multiscale Genome Organisation, subgroup symposium of the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, February 22, 2021 | Conference | 2021/02/22 | | Virtual | 400 (non-member); 100 (BPS members) | Part of BPS Meeting |
Fox Chase Cancer Center Cancer Epigenetics Institute Virtual Symposium: From Nucleic Acids to 3D Genomes to Therapeutics | Conference | 2021/03/02 | | Virtual | 0 | |
Biology and Physics of the Bacterial Chromosome Organisation, BioPhyChrom2021 | Conference | 2021/03/04-2021/04/30 | | Virtual | 0 | Each Thursday, 5pm to 7pm CET |
Epigenetics: chemo-biology of the nucleus. 16th Edition. Institut Curie. March 10 - 17, 2021. Application deadline: January 15, 2021 | Training | 2021/03/10-17 | 2021/01/15 | Virtual | 0 | Selection of student participants |
Machine learning frontiers in precision medicine, MLFPM Winter Symposium, March 11, 2021 | Conference | 2021/03/11 | | Virtual | 0 | Will be streamed at youtube |
Friend or Foe: Transcription and RNA Meet DNA Replication and Repair, EMBL Symposium, March 9-12, 2021. Abstract deadline: January 25, 2021 | Conference | 2021/03/09-12 | 2021/01/25 | Virtual | 170 | Bursaries available |
1st Women in Malaria Conference. Includes section "Malaria functional genomics and epigenetics", March 22-24, 2021 | Conference | 2021/03/22-24 | | Virtual | 0 | |
Stanford Genetics Conference on Structural Variants and DNA Repeats | Conference | 2021/04/12 | | Virtual | 0 | |
Chromatin and Epigenetics: From Mechanisms to Execution, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Germany, April 14-15, 2021 | Conference | 2021/04/14-15 | | Virtual | 0 | |
The Biology of Genomes, CSHL Meeting, May 11 - 14, 2021 | Conference | 2021/05/11-14 | 2021/02/24 | Virtual | 210 | |
Chromatin and Epigenetics, EMBL Conference, May 17-20, 2021. Abstract deadline: March 15, 2021 | Conference | 2021/05/17-20 | 2021/03/15 | Virtual | 170 | Bursaries available |
Cancer genomics, EMBL-EBI course, May 17-21, 2021. Application deadline: February 26, 2021 | Training | 2021/05/17-21 | 2021/02/26 | Virtual | 200 | |
Bioinformatics in Cancer, EARC Conference, May 18-19, 2021. Abstract deadline: 25 March 2021 | Conference | 2021/05/18-19 | 2021/03/25 | Virtual | 124 (non-member); 80 (EACR members) | Bursaries application deadline: April 8, 2021 |
Constraints and Plasticity in Development and Evolution, Collège de France | Conference | 2021/06/03-04 | | Virtual | 0 | |
FASEB Mobile DNA Conference: Evolution, Diversity and Impact, June 8-9, 2021 | Conference | 2021/06/08-09 | 2021/05/10 | Virtual | 200 | |
Epigenetics of Ageing: Responses to Adversity across Scales, IMB Mainz, Germany, June 30-July 3, 2021 | Conference | 2021/06/30-2021/07/03 | | Mainz, Germany | 0 | |
The 45th FEBS Congress, Ljubliana, Slovenia, July 3-8, 2021 | Conference | 2021/07/03-08 | 2021/03/11 | Virtual | 258 | Bursaries available |
Physics Meets Biology 2021, IOP Institute of Physics, July 26-28, 2021. Abstract deadline: April 30, 2021 | Conference | 2021/07/26-28 | 2021/04/30 | Virtual | ? | Bursaries available |
Computational Genomics: A Hands-on Course on Machine Learning for Genomics, August-September 2021 Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology, Max Delbrück Center Berlin, Germany | Course | 2021/08/01-30 | 2021/06/30 | Virtual | 0 | |
RECOMB 2021, International Conference on Research in Computational Biology. August 29-September 1, 2021. Poster deadline: February 1, 2021 | Conference | 2021/08/29-2021/09/01 | 2021/02/01 | ? | ? | |
The Mobile Genome: Genetic and Physiological Impacts of Transposable Elements EMBO Workshop, 29 Aug - 1 Sep 2021 | Conference | 2021/08/29-09/01 | | Virtual | ? | |
Chromatin structure, organization and dynamics, EMBO Workshop. 29 August - 2 September, 2021 . Abstract deadline: Application deadline: 30 April, 2021. | Conference | 2021/08/29-2021/09/02 | 2021/04/30 | Prague, Czech Republic | 490 | Registration includes full board and lodging in double rooms |
Chromatin, Epigenetics & Transcription, CSH-Asia Meeting, September 13-17, 2021. Abstract deadline: July 2, 2021 | Conference | 2021/09/13-17 | 2021/07/02 | Suzhou, China | ? | |
Transcription, Chromatin and Epigenetics, FASEB Science Research Conference. September 19-21, 2021 | Conference | 2021/09/19-21 | | Catania, Italy | ? | |
DNA Topology in genomic transactions, EMBO Workshop, September 20-23, 2021 | Conference | 2021/09/20-24 | 2021/07/20 | Virtual | 100 | Bursaries available |
Systems approaches in cancer, EMBO Workshop, 21 – 26 September 2021, Split, Croatia | Conference | 2021/09/21-26 | 2021/08/30 | Split, Croatia | 428 | |
Second Annual Meeting on Advances on Nuclear Topology and 3D Chromatin Architecture in Cancer | Conference | 2021/09/24 | | Virtual | 0 | |
Enhanceropathies: Understanding enhancer function to understand human disease, EMBO workshop. October 6-9, 2021, Santander, Spain | Conference | 2021/10/06-09 | 2021/08/27 | Santander, Spain | 517 | |
Chromatin-Con: Epigenetic Mechanisms & Human Disease Meeting, organised by Active Motif | Webinar | 2021/10/26 | | Virtual | 0 | |
Munich Epigenetic Spotlight 2021 | Conference | 2021/10/28 | | Virtual | 0 | |
Canadian Epigenetics, Environment and Health Research Consortium Annual General Meeting, November 2-5, 2021 | Conference | 2021/11/2-5 | | Estérel, Québec | ? | |
Dutch Chromatin Meeting 2021, Nijmegen | Conference | 2021/11/12 | 2021/09/30 | Nijmegen, The Netherlands | 0 | |
Advanced Lecture Course on Computational Systems Biology, Aussois ski resort (France), November 14-19, 2021 | School | 2021/11/14-19 | | Aussois, France | 424 | Bursaries available |
Epigenomics of Common Diseases, Virtual from Wellcome Genome Campus, UK | Conference | 2021/11/17-19 | 2021/09/21 | Virtual | 100 (bursaries available) | |
Metabolism Meets Epigenetics, EMBL symposium. Heidelber, Germany, November 17-20, 2021 | Conference | 2021/11/17-20 | | Heidelberg, Germany | ? | |
Asilomar Chromatin, Chromosomes, and Epigenetics Conference | Conference | 2021/12/9-11 | 2021/10/01 | Virtual | 36 | |
Epigene2Sys, Institute Curie, December 13-14, 2021 | Conference | 2021/12/13-14 | | Virtual | 0 | |
Event name | Event type | Event dates (yyyy/mm/dd) | Deadline (yyyy/mm/dd) | Location | Registration fee, £ | Comments |
Events by year: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 |2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 |