Conferences & Schools – 2024

Below is a manually curated list of meetings relevant to quantitative gene regulation, focused on chromatin biophysics and epigenetics. Complementary manually curated lists of conferences are available at the web sites of EpiCypher and Active Motif (chromatin and epigenetics), the Node (developmental biology), Steve Jackson (DNA damage/repair) and Nature Aging. For more general conference lists see EMBL Conferences and Events, FEBS Conference calendar, Keystone Symposia, Gordon Research Conferences and CSHL Meetings. We also maintain a separate list of funders providing conference travel grants. Please feel free to to suggest your events for inclusion in this database by emailing [email protected].

Events by year: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 |2022 | 20212020 | 2019 |2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 |

Event nameEvent typeEvent dates (yyyy/mm/dd)Deadline (yyyy/mm/dd)LocationRegistration fee, £Comments
The Festival of Genomics & Biodata, January 24-25, 2024Conference2024/01/24-25London, UK0 for researchers and PhD students; £15 for undergraduate and master students
Epigenetic Mechanisms and the Treatment of Cancer, Keystone Symposia, February 4-7, 2024Conference2024/02/4-72023/10/31Santa Fe, NM, USA981 (regular) and 745 (students). Bursary deadline 31/10/2023
6th DNA Repair/Replication Structures and Cancer Conference, February 14-18, 2024Conference2024/02/14-182024/01/10Cancun, Mexico1835
Genome Regulation through RNA, February 11-14, 2024Conference2024/02/11-14Cancun, Mexico
Evolution and diversity of the DNA damage response, EMBO Workshop, February 19-23, 2024Conference2024/02/19-23Pune, India
Chromatin Modeling: Integrating Mathematics, Physics, and Computation for Advances in Biology and Medicine, March 4-15, 2024Conference2024/03/4-15Vienna, Austria
SY-Stem. Symposium for the next generation of stem cell researchers, Vienna, Austria, March 13-15, 2024Conference2024/03/13-152024/01/15Vienna, Austria215
Systems Biology: Global Regulation of Gene ExpressionConference2024/03/13-162024/01/12CSHL, NY, USA1110
Cancer Epigenetics Institute Symposium 2024: From Gene Regulation to 3D Genomes to Development & Therapeutics, March 7, 2024Conference2024/03/07Philadelphia, PA, USA + virtual0
Cardiovascular Epigenetics and Gene Regulation, Keystone Symposia, April 15-18, 2024Conference2024/04/15-182024/01/10Hannover, Germany902
The Mechanics of Life: from Development to Disease, EMBL conference, April 15-18, 2024Conference2024/04/15-182024/01/22Heidelberg, Germany623
Nuclear Mechano-Genomics, EMBO Workshop, April 16-19, 2024, Sardinia, ItalyConference2024/04/16-192024/01/15Sardinia, Italy473
International congress on transposable elements 2024, April 20-23, 2024, Saint Malo, France
Conference2024/04/20-232024/02/15Saint Malo, France605
Computational Systems Biology for Complex Human Disease: from static to dynamic representations of disease mechanisms, Wellcome Course, April 21-26, 2024School2024/04/21-262024/01/09Wellcome Trust Campus, Hinxton, UK995. This is a residential course and the fee includes all accommodation and meals.
Mutations in Time and Space, April 23-25, 2024Conference2024/04/23-252024/03/01Edinburgh, UK395
Chromatin biology in cancer 2024, EMBO Workshop, April 23-26, 2024
RECOMB, 28th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology . Conference2024/04/27-2024/05/02Cambridge, MA, USA654
Cancer Multiomics and Computational Biology, EACR Conference, April 30-May 2, 2024Conference2024/04/30-05/022024/02/26Bergamo, Italy395
Genome Organization & Nuclear Function, CSHL conference, April 30-May 4, 2024Conference2024/04/30-05/042024/02/09Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA1312
Biology of Genomes, CSHL ConferenceConference2024/05/07-112024/02/16Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA1393
Low Input Epigenomics, Wellcome Trust Hands-on Course, May 10-17, 2024School2024/05/10-172024/02/14Wellcome Trust Campus, Hinxton, UK1385. This is a residential course and the fee includes all accommodation and meals.
Chromatin, Epigenetics & Transcription, SCHL-Asia meeting, May 13-17, 2024Conference2024/05/13-172024/03/08Suzhou, China
Non-Coding Genome, Advanced International CourseSchool2024/05/22-292024/03/03Paris, France0
Clinical Epigenetics International Conference, June 5-7, 2024Conference2024/06/05-07Warsaw, Poland
Systems biology: from large datasets to biological insight, EMBL Course, June 10-14, 2024School2024/06/10-142024/03/03EMBL-EBI, UK850 inclusive of four nights accommodation and catering, including dinner
Chromatin Dynamics & Nuclear Organization in Genome Maintenance, EMBO workshop, June 17-20, 2024Conference2024/06/17-20Leiden, Netherlands + virtual
Summer school in bioinformatics, EMBL Course, June 17-21, 2024School2024/06/17-212024/02/25EMBL-EBI, UK850 inclusive of four nights accommodation and catering, including dinner
15th International Conference on Genomics and Systems Biology of Human Disease and Aging, June 22-23, 2024Conference2024/06/22-232024/02/15Chania, Crete, Greece602 (excludes accomodation)
Chromatin Structure and Function, Gordon Research ConferenceConference2024/07/7-122024/06/09Smithfield, RI, USA895
2024 VAI Epigenetics Symposium "Cancer Epigenetics", July 8-10, Grand Rapids. Conference2024/07/08-10Grand Rapids, USA
International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB), July 12-16, 2024Conference2024/07/12-162024/04/19Montreal, Canada
Post Transcriptional Gene Regulation, Gordon Research Conference, July 14-19, 2024Conference2024/07/14-192024/06/16Portland, ME, USA1040
Building to Understand: The Constructionist Approach to Studying Gene Regulation, July 15-18, 2024Conference2024/07/15-182024/01/12Buxted Park, East Sussex, UK
Dynamic DNA Structures in Biology, FASEB Conference, July 21-25, 2024Conference2024/07/21-252024/05/26Melbourne, Florida, USA984
Biological Methylation: Fundamental Mechanisms, FASEB Conference, July 28-August 1, 2024Conference2024/07/28-08/012024/06/02Porto, Portugal984
Centromere Biology: Sequence, Identity, Function, and Genome Stability, Gordon Research Conference, July 28-August 2, 2024Conference2024/07/28-08/022027/06/30Portland, ME, USA1040
Biology of Acetylation in Health and Disease, FASEB Conference, August 4-8, 2024Conference2024/08/04-082024/06/09Rome, Italy945
Summer School on Chromatin Biology: A Hands-On Expedition, August 11-25, 2024, Munich, GermanySchool2024/08/11-252024/04/05Munich, Germany2444
Transcription and Chromatin, EMBL Conference, August 24-27, 2024Conference2024/08/24-272024/06/03Heidelberg, Germany687
UK DNA Replication Meeting 2024, 10-12 September, 2024,
Churchill College, Cambridge
Conference2024/09/10-122024/07/10Cambridge, UK245
23rd European Conference on Computational Biology ECCB2024, Turku, Finland, 16-20 September, 2024Conference2024/09/16-202024/03/14Turku, Finland
EvoChromo: Evolutionary approaches to research in chromatin, EMBO Workshop, September 17-20, 2024Conference2024/09/17-20Oxford, UK
Epigenetics & Chromatin
, CSHL Conference
Conference2024/09/17-212024/06/28CSHL, NY, USA1393 (includes housing)
Transcription, Chromatin, and Epigenetics in Aging, FASEB Conference, September 22-26, 2024Conference2024/09/22-262024/07/28Melbourne, Florida, USA842
Transcriptional Regulation by Chromatin and RNA Polymerase, ASBMB Conference, September 26-30, 2024Conference2024/09/26-30 Alexandria, VA, USA
Exploring DNA Repair Pathways as Targets for Cancer Therapy, October 7-10, 2024Conference2024/10/07-102024/05/02St. Julians, Malta1760
The DNA-damage response in cell physiology and disease, 10 – 14 October 2022, Sounio, GreeceConference2024/10/14-182024/05/15Sounio, Greece900
From cell to organism- When Cell Biology meets Development.
Paris, October 16-19, 2024
Conference2024/10/16-192024/06/14Paris, France300
DNA Replication: from basic biology to disease, EMBL Conference, November 4-5, 2024Conference2024/11/04-05Heidelberg, Germany
DNA replication: from basic biology to disease, November 5-8, 2024Conference2024/11/05-08Heidelberg, Germany + virtual
Liquid Biopsies, EACR Conference, Lyon, France, November 12-14, 2024Conference2024/11/12-142024/09/16Lyon, France
The real point is control: transposons as controlling elements in evolution, development and diseaseConference2024/11/20-222024/07/31Leicester, UK
Genome bioinformatics: from short- to long-read sequencing, EMBL Course, November 18-22, 2024School2024/11/18-22EMBL-EBI, UK
Max Planck Freiburg Epigenetics Meeting 2024, December 4-5, 2024Conference2024/12/04-06Freiburg, Germany
Event nameEvent typeEvent dates (yyyy/mm/dd)Deadline (yyyy/mm/dd)LocationRegistration fee, £Comments

Events by year: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 |2022 | 20212020 | 2019 |2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 |