Free high quality journals and publishing platforms in the field of gene regulation

Following requests from scientists who have have no funds to pay author’s fees to get their research published in a journal, we are starting below a list of Free High Quality Journals, which do not charge any article fees. To keep focused, we will only list journals directly relevant to the field of gene regulation.

Free — determined by whether the author is mandatory required to pay for the publication in the journal or not (this excludes optional payments, such as optional open-access, optional colour figures, optional language correction services, etc). Some open-access journals declared that they temporarily allow free submissions (e.g. for the first several years); such journals will be also included in the list below. (BTW, the best of the two worlds are journals which are free both for authors and readers, such as Wellcome Open Research).

High quality — determined by the overall journal’s quality as based on the composition of the editorial board, editorial policies, thorough peer-review, etc. We do not use IF and journal ranks to stratify journals, only to prove that all journals selected below are good enough to be included in this list.

List of high quality journals relevant to gene regulation, which do not charge author’s fees (alphabetic)

This list is just started, please send me your suggestions by email!